Blue Cut (Green Coating) Hard Multi Coated :- These Hard Multi Coated Glasses are protect our eyes From pollution ,Dust and Clear our vision quality For Distance And near Vision & protect 90% harmfull Green light like Computer,Moblie ,Laptops Green lights .In These Glasses are Coverded with green coating with help the protect our eye harmfull Sunlights and other harmfull Green lights . .In these glasses Protect 90% Green light Reflaction.
Progressive :- These are Specially variety of glasses it is most recommended and Largest sailing glasses at present time. Our Company Provided Best Progressive Glasses in affordable prizes.In these glasses are Known as Trifocal Glasses in which glasses three parts of glass combined each other.In these glasses First part for Distance vision,second for intermediate vision and last one for near vision .In these glasses no round top between Distance and Near vision.These Glasses are available in all types of coating like Hard Coating,Hard Multi Coating,Anti Reflacted Coating and Photochromic etc.
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